Narcissist Meaning In A Relationship

Narcissist Meaning In A Relationship

Narcissist Meaning In A Relationship

Hey Beautiful Soul

Today’s blog’s all about Narcissists and discovering whether you’re  currently in a relationship with a narcissist or have ever been in a relationship with a narcissist.

So we’re going to be looking at:

  • Narcissistic Definition: What Is The Definition Of A Narcissist?

  • Narcissist Personality Trait: What Are The Seven Traits of a Narcissist?

  • How To Know If You Might Be In a Narcissistic Relationship: How Do Narcissists Act In a Relationship?

And Finally

  • What Should You Do If You See Signs of Narcissism In Your Partner?

Phew that’s a lot so let’s dive straight in…

Narcissistic Definition

Narcissistic Definition:

What Is The Definition Of A Narcissist?

Merriam Webster’s definition of a narcissist is:


of, relating to, or characterized by narcissism: such as

  1. Someone’s who’s extremely self-centered with an exaggerated sense of self-importance : marked by or characteristic of excessive admiration of or infatuation with oneself.

  2. A Person displaying or marked by excessive concern with one's own physical appearance.

Which let’s be honest sounds like it’s come straight out of The Big Book Of Psychiatry which is why i much prefer the Robert from Quora’s answer:

Robert’s Definition Of A Narcissist Is:

“A narcissist is someone to whom abusing others, putting them down, making them feel bad is an essential form of nourishment, without which they cannot function.” 

And anyone who’s ever been in a Narcissistic relationship will appreciate the profoundness of Robert’s statement as it clearly AND fully defines what a narcissist is.

Ready to find out the truth? Get clarity on your love life and relationship with my Clarity & Guidance Reading

Narcissist Personality Trait

Narcissist Personality Trait

And What Are The Seven Traits of a Narcissist?

When researching Narcissists I wasn’t aware that has redefined a Narcissist’s personality traits into an actual disorder called Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD.

They’ve come up with (7) Seven common signs that can help you  identify whether your partner is a narcissist or not.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): Signs and Symptoms Of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Your Partner:

Has a Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance.

  1. Grandiosity can be the defining characteristic of narcissism. It goes beyond vanity or arrogance, it’s about having an unrealistic sense of your own superiority, it’s about being “The Special One” and being “Unique”. Narcissists believe they’re better than everyone else this trait means a narcissist will never deal with anyone or anything they deem “normal” as normal is beneath them.

    Which leads them to distort reality into their own fantasy world.

  2. Is just like Walter Smitty or Billy Liar they live in their own little fantasy world which perpetuates and fuels their sense of self-importance.

    Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur.

    Since reality doesn’t support their grandiose view of themselves, narcissists live in a fantasy world propped up by distortion, self-deception, and magical thinking. They spin self-glorifying fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, attractiveness, and ideal love that make them feel special and in control. These fantasies help protect them from feelings of inner emptiness and shame, so facts and opinions that contradict them are ignored or rationalized away. Anything that threatens to burst the fantasy bubble is met with extreme defensiveness and even rage, so those around the narcissist learn to tread carefully around their denial of reality.

    The warped reality and fantasy life they’ve created means in their “World” They’re the BEST at everything. No-one compares.

  3. They Boast About Being “The Best At EVERYTHING”

    Narcissist’s boast about being the best at everything and have no compunction or shame in exaggerating and even lying about there so called achievements to make themselves look “The Best” and they’ll always be “The Star” in the show that is their lives. Whatever you’ve done a narcissist’s done better.

    This boasting then fuels their sense of entitlement

  4. Sense Of Entitlement

    Because narcissist’s consider themselves special they expect favourable treatment as their due. They truly believe that whatever they want, they should get. They also expect the people around them to automatically comply with their every wish and whim. That is their only value. If you don’t anticipate and meet their every need, then you’re useless. And if you have the nerve to defy their will or “selfishly” ask for something in return, prepare yourself for aggression, outrage, or the cold shoulder.

    The sense of entitlement narcissist’s have means they feel like they’ve got the right to…

  5. Demean, Belittle, Bully And Intimidate.

    A Narcissist will frequently demean, intimidate, bully or belittle others just to get their own way and they’ll be contemptuous, scornful and patronising to anyone they feel threatened by especially anyone they deem to be more popular than them. A narcissist is not afraid to go on the attack and will bring down anyone they feel is superior to them by belittling, name calling, shaming, bullying and even intimidating that person regardless of the emotional cost to this perceived “enemy”

    Which mean’s they feel no shame, guilt or remorse about abusing anyone as it’s justifiable to them.

  6. Exploits Others Without Guilt or Shame.

    A narcissist does not know the meaning of the words compassion or empathy. The concept of being nice to others is alien to them unless being nice means they get to have what they want and then they’ll put on the charm offensive but it’s all an act, their emotions may seem real but it’s all just manipulation in order to get what they want, when they want it regardless of the emotional costs to others that are around them. It’s just not on a narcissist’s radar to ever consider how they’re making anyone else feel as long as they’re getting what they want their happy and that’s all that matters to them. The irony is narcissist’s are expert’s at making other people feel guilty for not doing as they wish.

    This leads them to make sure that they’re always the centre of attention, where they then need constant praise.

  7. Needs Constant Praise And Admiration.

    If you can look past a narcissist’s bluster, bragging and boasting what you’ll actually see is a person who is emotionally fragile. This does not justify a narcissist’s behaviour it’s just a statement of fact that a narcissist’s insecurities will lead them to find attention anywhere where they get it and with anyone who’ll make them feel “Special”, all of the time.

    And to anyone in a relationship with a narcissist this is a MASSIVE RED FLAG as they’re own insecurities seriously hinders their ability to stay loyal to you regardless of what you’ve done for them.

7 Signs Your Partner Is A Narcissist

Still Wondering Whether You’re In a Relationship With a Narcissist? Book Your Clarity & Guidance Reading Now…

How to Know If You’re In a Narcissistic Relationship

How To Know If You’re In A Narcissistic Relationship

We’ve just delved into a narcissist’s personality traits and right now there may be some warning signs going of in your head BUT you may still be confused so…

Do you find:

  • You’re always doing everything for your partner BUT don’t get a thank you?

  • You’re always doing what your partner wants to do, when they want to do it?

  • Your partner never takes an interest in the things you like?

  • Your partner puts you down in front of others just to make themselves look good?

  • You’re partner is secretive and you feel like you really don’t know them?

  • Feel cut off from them even when you’re being intimate?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above please don’t panic but you may wish to read on….

How Do Narcissists Act In a Relationship

Renee Cherry from Shape sum’s it up in one word - Toxic!

That’s How Narcissist’s Act In Relationships

They always find a way of taking anything that’s good and make it toxic AND them blame you for it.

  • Narcissist’s Don't Have Any Deep Relationships.

    Narcissist’s are incapable of having deep and meaningful relationships. Everything about them is superficial and yet they seemingly can be capable of showing “Great” affection and will often make “Grand” gestures BUT there’s always an ulterior motive in everything they do. They never do ANYTHING without there being something in it for them.

  • They're Rude To Strangers.

    Here’s a Big Red Flag - How does your partner act to total strangers? Narcissist’s will show contempt to anyone who they see as being beneath them especially server’s, waiter’s who they’re not afraid to click their fingers at in a rude and derogatory way.

  • They Devalue Others.

    We’ve just mentioned that above BUT this devaluing extends to their “Ex’s” You know the “crazy ex” they keep banging on about. If you partner keeps telling you all their ex’s were crazy and all the break up’s were never their fault. It’s another red flag.

  • They Love Bomb You.

    Let’s be honest we all like receiving gifts from those we love BUT Love bombing is more than just buying you flowers, chocolates or other gifts to say thanks or to let you know you’re appreciated AND it’s great to get gifts that make us feel good especially at the beginning of a new relationship that’s still in it’s “Honeymoon” phase.

    Love bombing takes a romantic gesture and BLOWS IT UP. It’s about being overly extravagant which is something a narcissist does in every aspect of their life. So instead of one bunch of flowers it may be bunch after bunch after bunch, morning, noon and night, at home and at work. It may be text message after text message after text message.

    A narcissist will use love bombing to draw you in, sweep you off your feet, leave your head spinning. It’s a tactic designed to make them seem irresistible and to make you more pliable to their scheming. Put that way it sounds very manipulative, that’s because it is, they’re trying to hook you in.

Signs Of Narcissism In Your Relationship

What Should You Do If You See Signs of Narcissism In Your Partner?

Clarify It And Then Get Out

If you’re in living with a narcissist then no doubt your partner has somehow tried to convince you that all the warning sign’s you’re seeing are all in your head and now you’re probably feeling really, really confused. I hope that by reading this article it’s brought some illumination and clarity to you partner’s behaviour and helped you to realised you’re not going mad.

If you’d like further confirmation or find that you need just a little more clarity, then my Clarity & Guidance Reading could really help to straighten things out even further.

To find out more just hit the button below and I’ll look forward to connecting with you soon

David William Psychic Medium x