Text A Psychic - Psychic Texts

Text A Psychic

Text A Psychic & Psychic Texts

Just Googled “Text A Psychic” or Psychic Texts?

Then You’re In The Right Place


Hi I’m David William, A Intuitive Psychic Medium & Tarot Card Reader

And it just so happens I know a lot about Psychic Text Readings & Psychic Texting.

Here’s What You Need To Know:

Places offering Text A Psychic or Psychic Text Services are platforms.

This means they’re regulated by Trading Standards and The Law Of The Land?

“How Does That Affect My Psychic Text?”

I Hear You Say

It affects your Psychic Texts A LOT.

A Psychic on any Psychic Text Service BY LAW are NOT ALLOWED to talk about:

  • Pregnancy

  • Money & Finances

  • Health & Wellbeing

They’re also not allowed to talk about any legal matters including separations and divorces.

AND they’ve also got to be very, very careful when making predictions about your future or they could get shut down.

Doesn’t leave much to talk about really, does it?

Have you seen that article going around Facebook about Psychic Texting?

I was reading it the other day:

It’s about someone who’s experience with a certain famous Psychic Medium who happens to hang out a lot on Facebook and runs a Psychic Hotline & Psychic Text Service, had left him so angry and upset he posted his experience as a warning for others to beware.

He explained how his dad had recently passed and he’d happen to come across this certain Psychic Text Service and left his number with them.

He was then bombarded with messages like:

  • “Theres someone in Spirit waiting to speak to you.”

  • “There’s a message for you from the other side.”

  • “Get in touch with your loved ones. They’re waiting for you.”

Making out his dad in Spirit was waiting to speak with him so. He replied in the hope he’d hear from his dad and know he was OK in Spirit.

He said he kept getting these random messages from different so called “Psychic Mediums” from the same Psychic Text Service that not only contradicted each other but made it very clear the people giving the so called “Spirit Messages” were not even Psychic or Mediumistic and he felt emotionally blackmailed as he just wanted to know his dad was OK in Spirit.

The message’s he received back were so poor, inaccurate and pure drivel and made him so angry he took to Facebook to warn others to avoid this certain Psychic Texting Service. You may have come across the post yourself?

I know you’ll agree with me when I say this is a truly sad and very upsetting story to read but true none the less.


Psychic Text Messages

Did you know having your Psychic Reading via a Text A Psychic Service means you’ll be randomly assigned by a computer to whoever happens to be available at that time?

There’s no continuity to any Psychic Reading you’re hoping to have as the next time you go back, if you actually do go back, you’ll be assigned to the next person available and they may not be the same person you had last time.

Remember with any Psychic Reading whether it’s by Psychic Texting or via the phone, WhatsApp, Zoom, FaceTime, Skype or Viber, prior to your Psychic Reading taking place you want to look at that Psychic Mediums previous reviews. This will give you the confidence to know you’ll receive a good quality Psychic Reading by the Psychic Medium who’s reputation is a known quantity.

Plus if you’re having any Psychic Reading there’s got to be a spark or connection between you and the Psychic Medium in question and some of the photographs placed on these Psychic Text Services are not always the real faces of the so called Psychic in question.

Weird BUT true and I know this to be an absolute FACT as many of my friends who’ve worked for Psychic Hotlines in the past would not even provide their real photograph. They’d pick a random photo from the internet and use that as an image for themselves!


Psychic Texting

Prior to spending any of your hard earned money and before you purchase any Psychic Service including:

  • Psychic Texting

  • Text A Psychic,

  • Psychic Texts

  • Psychic Text Readings


Do Your Homework & Research

Please make sure to do your homework. Research and find out as much information as you can about the Psychic Medium because most Psychic Hotlines and Psychic Text Services may have a famous Psychic Mediums name behind them but that famous Psychic Medium is not the person giving you your Psychic Reading.

It’s someone who’s employed by a different company who supplies readers to that service and that means you’re taking more of a risk and gamble than you need to.

Me I’d prefer to be able to read a Psychic Mediums reviews and know the person who’s giving me my Psychic Reading. At least that way I get to choose who reads for me and can feel safe in the knowledge the Psychic Medium I’ve picked has a good reputation.

Please take all of these things into consideration

If you’d like to know more about who I am and the readings I offer then please just scroll to my online diary below.

I Look forward to connecting with you soon.

David William Psychic Medium x