Twin Flames

Twin Flames

Hey Beautiful Soul,

I’m David William, a Psychic Medium and Tarot Card Reader and I’m an expert on Twin Flames and what it means to be a Twin Flame as well as the stages Twin Flames Love goes through in relationships.

So if you’ve been searching Twin Flames, Twin Flames Relationships, Twin Flames Love, Twin Flames Lovers or Soul Mate v Twin Flame and want to know everything there is to know about Twin Flames then you’re in the right place and it’s great to meet you.

What’s Twin Flames? And What Does Twin Flames Mean?

Twin Flames Meaning and Definition.

The biggest questions I’m asked about Twin Flames are “What does Twin Flames mean?” and “How do I Know I’ve found my Twin Flame?”

First let’s dive in by clarifying what Twin Flames means and what the definition of a Twin Flame actually is:

Twin Flame Defintion:

A Twin Flame is a very deep and intense soul connection we have with someone who we feel is our soul’s other half and that’s why Twin Flames can also be referred as a Mirror Soul or Mirrored Soul or a person’s “other half that’s why it’s often thought Twin Flames are one soul that’s split into two bodies.

If you’re experiencing a Twin Flames love relationship then you know that it can be very challenging and even traumatic as Twin Flames relationships are often fraught with upheaval due to the insecurities, fears and shadows that are thrown up due to the mirroring nature of our Twin Flame.

But Twin Flames love relationships can also be very healing as our Twin Flame can help us overcome said fears and insecurities. Remember we can affect our Twin Flames as much as they affect us due to the intense connection between us.

Also remember that every relationship we have has something new to teach us. But meeting your Twin Flame is considered to be one of the most powerful soul experiences a person can have.

Babita Spinelli New York Psychotherapist, reminds us that in Twin Flames relationships each person is still “whole” and that there is a misnomer that a Twin Flames completes you. She goes on to explain “In reality, relationships are meant to encourage you to be more complete in your own right.”

Eight Signs You've Met Your Twin Flame David William Psychic Medium

Twin Flame Signs: 8 Signs You’ve Met Your Twin Flame

Struggling to know whether you’ve met your Twin Flame? Here’s 8 signs you’ve found your Twin Flame?

  • When You Met, There Was Instant Recognition and Intense Attraction:

    When you first meet your Twin Flame there’ll be instant and immediate recognition. Like you’ve encountered or known this person before. They feel familiar and this creates an instant magnetic attraction (like nothing you’ve every felt before). There’s an undeniably deep intuitive bond, like all the pieces of your life have just fallen into place. Scott and Patel also say “You’ll feel calm and at ease with the person straightaway.”

  • Synchronicity / You’re So Similar:

    With Twin Flames there’s an instant bond and connection that also creates a feelings of being similar or synchronised. What they like, you like and vice versa. Twin Flames always have matching interests and you’ll find you’ll have a lot in common and you’ll even find when your discussing your live’s that you’ll have gone through very similar experiences. The feelings of similarity and being synchronised with your Twin Flame can also create extremely intensive emotions.

  • Intense Emotions:

    When you meet your Twin Flame you’ll find all your feelings and emotions are amplified and heightened. This is because of the instant connection and bond that’s formed. This then creates feelings of similarity and synchronicity which leads to heightened and intense feelings and emotions which can sometimes feel overwhelming and can be hard to deal with and because you’re connected at a soul level everything will feel more passionate deeper and more intense. Scott also says “Everything you feel—both good and bad—will feel notably stronger and even overwhelming.”

  • Doubts and Insecurities Amplified:

    Because of everything mentioned above, the strong bond, deep connection, feelings of similarity and intense emotions that can be overwhelming a Twin Flames relationship can also create huge feelings of doubt where fears and insecurities can also be amplified.

    As your mirrored soul, your Twin Flame can show what’s holding you back so they can often reflect our deepest insecurities, bringing them to the surface so we can heal by working through this issues and grow not just as individuals but also as a couple.

    Remember your Twin Flame Love’s there to support and help you with your divine mission and purpose in life.

  • Turbulent and Tumultuous Twin Flames Relationships:

    As we’ve been discussing if you’re in a Twin Flames relationship or are experiencing a Twin Flames relationship right now then you’ll know, due to the overwhelming power of emotions, feelings, bonds and connections as well as the insecurities faced, that Twin Flames relationships are never easy. In fact they’re usually very turbulent, rocky and tumultuous. The reason for this is the mirroring effect created in a Twin Flames relationship. Our Twin Flame can mirror the darker parts of ourselves that we may not like. This can be incredibly challenging to deal with and not every Twin Flame can cope with this aspect of their relationship but you’ll need to face this issue if you want your Twin Flame relationship to work or you might as well walk away now and we both know that’s not what you want.

  • They Feel Magnetic:

    I just mentioned how turbulent a Twin Flames love relationship can be and how you might want to walk away but one of the reasons it’s not easy to give up or walk away from your Twin Flame is because of the deep emotional bond that’s been formed, also becomes magnetic.

    So no matter where in the world your Twin Flame is, you’ll feel drawn to them and will intuitively know how they’re feeling and what they’re thinking at any given moment and vice versa. Sometimes it can feel like a constant physical pull (this is usually felt around the solar plexus) that leaves you with a constant desire to be with your Twin Flame wherever they may be. 

  • You’re On Again, Off Again And Keep Coming Back:

    It’s common for a Twin Flames love relationship to be on one minute and off the next. It’s got to do with those deep bonds, connections and magnetic energy that’s created when you find your Twin Flame.

    Facing your demons and battling overwhelming emotions is bound to cause problems even in the best Twin Flames love relationship. So sometimes is easier for Twin Flames to break off, let things cool down and then come back together. Then break off again when things get too intense. Creating a yoyo effect.

    Twin Flames break up’s can sometimes last months, years and even decades but like a boomerang Twin Flames always find a way back to each other in the end (it’s that magnetic connection.)

  • Your Connection Feels Divine and Inspires You To Be a Better Person:

    When you find your Twin Flame there’s a quality to life that feels expanded, full of potential, divine and predestined. Like a higher power, divine providence, destiny or fate brought you together.

    Your Twin Flame’s purpose is to awaken the untapped potential that exists within you and ignite that fire, like the dormant Kundalini that wants to rise. This and the feelings of utopia brought by the divine connection of the Twin Flames love will inspire you to want to become a better person. You’ll feel philanthropic and want to also inspire and help others around you.

Twin Flames Angel Numbers

Twin Flames Signs, Symbols and Twin Flame Numbers

We’ve spoken above about Twin Flames Signs but one thing I’ve noticed is the other symbols that pop up when your Twin Flames is around like Twin Flames Numbers 1111 and Twin Flames 333.

Twin Flames Angel Number 1111 or 11:11

Twin Flames 1111 or 11:11 is THE greatest and most important of all the Twin Flames numbers because it’s a direct download and message from the universe so if you’re seeing 1111 or 11:11 it’s time to listen up especially if you’re Twin Flames not manifested yet.

Twin Flames 1111 or 11:11 is trying to help you remember your divine essence, true self, your soul’s purpose for being in this world. 1111 or 11:11 is drawing you to your other half, your mirror soul, your Twin Flame love, so two can become one. Like Yin is to Yang, Up is to Down and Left is to Right whilst also remembering your own divine nature.

So if you’re seeing 1111 or 11:11 your love life is about to take off, as these numbers are connected directly to your romantic life and the arrival of your Twin Flame Lover.

Be thankful and feel blessed as the universe is shining on you right now.

Twin Flames Angel Number 333

Angel number 333 is a powerful and potent sign for Twin Flames and Twin Flames Love as it means you both have a purpose together and your purpose is to make the world a better place. Pure Twin Flames says that Angel number 333 is also “An excellent opportunity to get guidance and support from the angels, spirit guides, ancestors, and ascended masters so you’ll make progress on your twin flame divine mission.

333 also shows you and your Twin Flame are mean’t to be together, so if you’re experiencing separation or trouble in your Twin Flame relationship and you’re seeing Angel Number 333 then take heart from this divine sign as the Universe is sending you a message of support.

Remember where there’s a will, there’s a way. Keep the faith.

Eight Stages Of A Twin Flames Relationship David William Psychic Medium

Twin Flames Stages and Twin Flames Relationships

The 8 Stages of a Twin Flame Love Relationship:

Remember your Twin Flame love relationship is as unique as you are and so the stages of a Twin Flame relationship may differ depending on the people involved.

But here are 8 stages that are commonly experienced by Twin Flames.

  • Stage 1: Yearning

    Even before you’ve met your Twin Flame, intuitively you know they’re out there somewhere. You can sense them, feel them, you know them. This creates a deep longing and yearning for your Twin Flame which can be maddening and certainly frustrating as you just want them with you. Remember during this phase there’ll be some inner work you’ve got to go through before they manifest so focus on raising your vibrations in preparation of your Twin Flames arrival.

  • Stage 2: Meeting

    Get ready for fireworks because once your Twin Flames arrives your world’s going to be rocked. It’s going to be instant insane attraction, where you can’t keep your hands off each other and you’ll be spending all your time together as it’ll be too painful to be apart. Everything will feel right in the world as all the pieces of your life have come together.

  • Stage 3: The Honeymoon Phase

    All relationships go through a honeymoon phase and Twin Flames love relationships are no different except where other relationships in the honeymoon phase are on Cloud 9, you’ll be on Cloud Infinity. You’ll be floating on air and be feeling blissed out. Whole and complete at last your Twin Flames lover has arrived and you’ve never felt so alive.

    How long these feelings last depends on each Twin Flames relationship as they’re all different and unique, just like you. But due to the intensity of the feelings involved and the fact your Twin Flame is your mirror soul it’s a fact that challenges will arrive, it’s just a question of when and what is your Twin Flame here to teach you?

  • Stage 4: Challenges Emerge

    We spoke earlier on about some of the challenges Twin Flames relationships face so it’s no surprise to see challenges emerging at Stage 4 in your Twin Flames love relationship. As I’ve just mentioned above your Twin Flames is your mirrored soul and even though this may feel like a scary and unpredictable stage in your Twin Flames relationship. Remember it’s also the stage that can bring the most healing, even through the turbulence and trauma. So no sticking your head in the sand. It’s best to work through these challenges as they’re a reflection of the soul work you two as Twin Flames couple need to got through.

    Stage 4 is often not about improving the relationship but rather about improving yourself.

  • Stage 5: The Big Test

    Stage 5 is where your Twin Flames relationship is going to be tested and put through the crucible.

    Your Twin Flames love is about to take a deep dive, you’re heading into uncharted waters so there may be trouble ahead. As the medieval map makers used to say when mapping uncharted territory “Here Be Dragons

    There’s no map for this part of your Twin Flames relationship so it’s ok to feel anxious and nervous about what your going through both individually and as a Twin Flames couple.

    Insecurities are about to surface and not only will you be questioning the relationship but you’ll also start questioning yourself AND each other which means the relationship is balancing on a knife’s edge. If abandonment is going to happen then it’s likely to happen at this point as one partner can begin avoiding dealing with the issues at hand and decide it’s easier to cut and run than stay.

  • Stage 6: The Chase

    If your Twin Flames relationship was unable to safely navigate the uncharted waters of Stage 5 (and most Twin Flames relationships don’t) Then sadly we’ve arrived at Stage 6 The Chase also know as the Twin Flames Separation.

    If you find yourself at Stage 6 then take heart as it’s common for Twin Flames love relationships to go through this push me, pull me, it’s on, it’s off, it’s back on again phase. Gibson states “This stage is inevitable and will arise no matter how you worked through the previous stageSo don’t be disheartened.

    Twin Flames relationships can be described as being on a roller coaster. When it’s high it’s HIGH but when a Twin Flames relationship hits a low it’s LOW. This is due to the instant intense emotional bonds formed when you first met.

    There is a silver lining in what will feel like a bad time right now and that’s the emotional gratification you’ve got to look forward to when you and your Twin Flames reconcile your differences and get back together. So focus on that.

  • Stage 7: The Surrender

    This is the most frustrating part of a Twin Flames relationship. Why’s it frustrating? Because you know your Twin Flames is coming back because you feel it. You’re intuition is telling you it’s true but WHEN?

    Surrendering to destiny and fate means you’re ready to accept there’s only so much you can do so it’s best to hand this situation over to a higher power to decide when will be the right time for your Twin Flame to return.

    Remember what you want and what the Universe knows is right for you may not align here, as you’ll want your Twin Flame right now, this minute and if that’s what’s right for your Twin Flames relationship then the universe, destiny and fate will make that happen.

    Remember that Stage 6 The Chase can sometimes go on for years. That’s right years. BUT DON’T PANIC because if you and your Twin Flame can work through your challenges and insecurities then you’ll be back together in no time. So keep the faith and trust your intuition as you know in your heart you and your Twin Flame are destined to be together, in fact it’s written in the stars.

  • Stage 8: The Final Stage - Coming Home

    Congratulations and Yeah!, your Twin Flames is BACK. It’s like all your birthdays and Christmas rolled into one. The excitement and feelings are so overwhelming that you’re back on Cloud Infinity. It’ll feel like little birdies are tweeting around your head. You’ll be experiencing the world in bright vivid super HD due to the expansive, happy and overwhelming emotions of your Twin Flames reunion.

    Phew! Balance has finally been restored and now it’s time to support each other and help each other grow.


Frequently Asked Questions About Twin Flames

Twin Flams v Soul Mates David William Psychic Medium

Twin Flames Soul Mates and Twin Flames vs Soul Mate

A question I’m often asked is how are Twin Flames different from Soul Mates?

The biggest distinction between a Soul Mate and Twin Flame Lover is that Twin Flames are considered to be two halves of the same soul, like Yin is to Yang. Whereas a Soul Mate can be described as someone who’s cut from the same cloth as you. Therapist Lisa Vallejos describes Twin Flames as two people who have a deep soul connection.

Both a Soul Mate and Twin Flames Love Match bring deep feelings of connection and familiarity. Elizabeth Prophet talks about this in her book Soul Mates and Twin Flames.

Soul Mate relationships tend to be more harmonious and less fractious and aren’t always based on pure romance, love and sex. Find out more about Soul Mates on my “When Will I Meet My Soul Mate?” Blog.

Whereas a Twin Flames love relationship is more intense, turbulent and very tempestuous due to the strong sexual, physical and emotional connections and bonds that are formed.

Soul Mate love can be more accepting, patient and calm whereas Twin Flames love is a burning desire that can be so overwhelming that it can bring insecurities flooding through the relationship.

Twin Flames love relationships are like the Rock and Roll Stars of relationships world. You know it’s going to be a wild ride but you also know there’s room for growth on a soul level for both Twin Flames, so you accept there’s going to be highs and lows and that the journey’s not going to be plane sailing BUT you also know it’s worth seeing it through.



If you’re experiencing difficulty in your love life and feel like you’ve met your Twin Flame but things aren’t going right or wondering when your Twin Flames is going to manifest then please consider these final points about Twin Flames love and relationships.

  • The purpose of a Twin Flames love relationship is to achieve a higher personal and spiritual growth, individually and as a couple. Typically a Twin Flames reunion is divinely timed for when both halves are ready to take on that growth and are ready to undergo the challenges that a Twin Flames relationship brings.

  • Twin Flames relationships are incredibly powerful, potent and extremely rare. Not everyone is destined to meet their Twin Flame. You could say it’s like winning the lottery.

Wow that was a lot of information so thanks for staying with me.

We’ve learn’t about Twin Flames Love, Twin Flames Relationships, Twin Flames Signs, Symbols and Twin Flames Angel Numbers plus the difference between a Twin Flame v Soul Mate. Congratulations now you know everything there is to know about Twin Flames.

If you’re struggling with a Twin Flames situation then as a Twin Flames expert I can help give you the clarity you need.

Whether you need to know if your Twin Flame is out there and you’re destined to meet them or you eager to know when your Twin Flame is coming back just scroll down to my online diary below and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

David William Psychic Medium x

Twin Flames Love and Relationships Expert