5 Signs Your Twin Flame's Thinking Of You

Five Signs You're Twin Flames Thinking Of You David William Psychic Medium

5 Signs Your Twin Flame Is Thinking Of You.

Hey Beautiful Soul,

Been having a bit of trouble with your Twin Flame?

Wanna know how to spot the signs that your Twin Flame is actually thinking of you? Then you’re in the right place.

My name is David William, I’m a Psychic Medium who specialises in Twin Flames & Soul Mate Reading’s.

If you’re in a Twin Flame relationship you know there’s never a dull moment. Think rollercoaster on steroids. Fasten your seatbelt’s as it’s about to get bumpy!!!

When Twin Flame’s come together it’s like watching two worlds collide. The intensity of attraction is off the charts. That connection is instant, magnetic and nearly impossible to break.

You know what I’m talking about!

That passion that make’s sparks fly. It can be soooo overwhelming it’s like an ache in your heart, right? You just want your Twin Flame with you for every second, of every minute, every day. And who can blame you, Why let a good thing go?

A Twin Flames relationship is like being in the most DRAMATIC movie ever. There’s never a dull moment, never a sense of calm, it’s full on ALL the time.

But sometimes that intensity can get too much, it can repel rather than attract. You know what I mean. It’s on, it’s off and then it’s back on again. You can read more about Twin flames in my other blog Twin Flames.

Twin Flame On A Spiritual Journey David William Psychic Medium

Is Your Twin Flame Taking You On A Spiritual Journey?

The simple answer is YES!

A Twin Flame connection always takes us on a spiritual journey as a Twin Flame comes into our life to help teach us lessons about the deeper issues we need to deal with in order to grow and flourish.

Your Twin Flame connection serves the purpose of elevating you both, as deeper issues that are currently hidden, can rise to the surface, forcing you both to deal with them as and when they come up, even when sometimes those issues can be hard or painful.

I said earlier - Fasten your seatbelt’s it’s about to get bumpy because the definition of a Twin Flame relationships IS about drama and upheaval but it’s also about love, passion and connection and with the depth’s of the feeling’s involved there’s bound to be a few bumps in the road.

If you’ve found your Twin Flame then remember it’s natural for the ride to be rocky.

Growth and development is often never easy and there is nothing simple about the lessons your Twin Flames is here to teach. This is often the main purpose of a Twin Flame, they come into our life we teach them and help them grow and they teach us and once that learning has taken place we part ways. So remember not all Twin Flame’s are designed or destined to last.

The longest separation I’ve read in a Twin Flames Reading was a 12 year cycle where I could clairvoyantly see my client her and her Twin Flames being apart for 12 years and in that time I could see they’d both go on to live separate lives but that after 12 years destiny would draw them back together and that’s what happened. They reconnected after 12 years and still love each other just as passionately and ferociously today just as when they first met.

However sometimes there can be a difficult and heart wrenching separation followed by a passionate reunion.

It can be difficult to separate from a Twin Flame because it is often said that a twin Flame is like the mirror of you and you feel like you’re losing a part of yourself.

So let’s dive in and give you that clarity you’re searching for.

The Five Signs Your Twin Flame's Thinking Of You David William Psychic

Here Are 5 Signs Your Twin Flame’s Thinking Of You.

1: You Dream of Them.

Are you dreaming of your Twin Flame ALL THE TIME?

And now you’re wondering if it’s a sign from the universe that you’re meant to be together BUT you just don’t trust you’re intuition enough to go with it - So now you’re reading this article.

One of the questions I’m asked the most during a Twin Flames Reading is:

Why Am I Dreaming About My Twin Flame?

This is far from a simple answer because each persons destiny is different and Twin Flame connections are very complex this question needs to be interpreted individually.


If a Twin Flame keeps appearing in your dreams it’s a clear sign they ARE thinking of YOU!

You Soul via dreams is trying to tell you that your Twin Flame is still thinking of you. Your Soul’s reminding you that there’s unfinished business and that the bond between you remains in tact.

Is This A Good Or A Bad Thing?

Are your dreams trying to tell you that you’re mean’t to be together OR are they trying to tell you that there’s more growth and healing that’s needed for either one of you?

AAAHHHH!!! Which is it?

Whilst it’s tempting to reach out to your Twin Flame right this minute (Even if it’s the middle of the night.) Stop and Wait.

Before you do something rash and impulsive I’d advise:

1st: Finish reading this article.

2nd: Check what your Tarot Cards are saying.

As we don’t want to run into a situation blind (Because things rarely end well, when we do.)

2: You Can’t Stop Thinking Of your twin flame.

How frustrating is it when you’re getting on with your busy day and still your Twin Flames keeps popping right back into your thoughts (Just like a boomerang.)

You know what I mean!

No matter how BUSY you are, thoughts of your Twin Flame keep flashing back into your mind. It’s like they’ve got a life of their own.

Stop And Ask Yourself: Why Does This Keep Happening?

This is a very powerful sign that your Twin Flame is thinking of YOU!


Did you know that Twin Flames are energetically bonded until karmic lessons are learned and then they’ll often go their separate ways?

It’s like there’s a telepathic connection between you both. So that when they think about you, you pick up that thought vibration immediately, regardless of the distance or location that lies between you.

Now you know your Twin Flame’s thinking about you - What is it they’re thinking?

It’s time to tune into your intuition - again.

Oh Crap! struggling to tune in? Can’t figure out what your Twin Flame’s thinking?

Don’t stress about it. It’s always super hard to be objective especially with the intensity of feelings and emotions connected to a Twin Flame’s situation. It’s like trying to drive through thick fog with no headlights (And who want’s to do that!)

Spoiler Alert: If you do find yourself thinking of your Twin Flame ALL the time. Then the quicker you find out why it’s happening the quicker your life will become balanced. So take action.

3: your twin flame Keeps Coming Up In Conversation.

You’ve just stopping thinking about your Twin Flame ALL the time and NOW it just feel’s like the Universe is conspiring against you because

It’s crazy how your Twin Flame Keeps Cropping Up In ALL Your Conversations AND you’re not even instigating it. There you are chatting away and BAM! Out of the blue the person you’re chatting with mentions your Twin Flame and then it happens again and again and again (AAAGGGHH) - It’s a conspiracy right? Wrong…

Remember that telepathic connection I mentioned earlier? It’s at play again and it’s another clear sign that your Twin Flame is thinking of YOU. That’s good, right?

Maybe. It’s good that your Twin Flame’s thinking of you BUT what are they thinking and WHY?

Are they thinking about you because:

  • They’re missing you, as much as you’re missing them?

  • They’re sorry they cut and run (Again!)

  • They realise just how much you mean to them?

    Or is it because they’re thinking of getting back in touch?

Are there other signs the Universe is sending that you’re missing you like..

  • 1010

  • 1111

    If so what do they mean?

Time to get in tune with your intuition again. Not comfortable doing that because your Twin Flames is like your Kryptonite, they just keep sending your intuition sideways?

That’s OK that’s what I’m here for. I’ve got my cards ready. my spirit team’s ready and I’m ready to give you the clarity you crave so you can move forwards instead of going round and round in circles.

4: The Universe Keeps Reminding You of your twin flame.

You’ve got over the thoughts, thoughts, thoughts and all your friends have stopped dropping your Twin Flame randomly into your conversations - Phew.

Now it’s time to chill out and listen to some tunes - WHAM! First song on the radio is your “Special Song” and now your Twin Flame’s in your head AGAIN.

Or maybe you passed a stranger who’s wearing your Twin Flames favourite scent and BAM! Your most sacred moment’s back in your mind and it hurts!

These are just a couple of the many signs the universe will send you in an attempt to grab your attention as well as…

  • You keep getting drawn back to you and your Twin Flames favourite places (For no apparent reason.)

  • You keep seeing people who remind you of your Twin Flame

  • Every time you put on the TV your Twin Flame’s favourite programs on (Again!)

What’s Going On?

What’s The Universe Trying To Tell You?

There are three things the Universe could be trying to tell you they are…

  1. Your Twin Flame has you on their mind and is thinking of you and you’re picking up on their vibration. (Magnetic connection)

  2. The Universe is nudging you to reach out and reconnect because now’s the right time.


  3. Is the Universe testing you and reminding you that there’s some healing to be done? Maybe It’s time to make peace with the ending of the relationship because until you do the signs will keep popping up.

But because you’ve gone into analysis paralysis (You know - Over thinking things and getting SO confused) You’ve now got no idea anymore what the Universe’s is trying to say or why.

You Can One Of Two Things:

  1. Take time to go into the silence and tune into your intuition to discover what is at play here….Because nothing happens by coincidence.

  2. Let me take the hassle out of you connecting with your intuition and let me do it for you instead. Easy Peasy!

5: Your Tarot Reading Confirms your twin flames thinking about you.

The four signs I’ve shared above can give you clarity about whether your Twin Flame’s thinking of you.

And you would’ve noticed that at the end of each sign there’s a choice for you to get in touch with your own intuition to see why the Universe is sending you these signs. The only PROBLEM with that is learning how to become objective on such a subjective issue AND learning to trust your own intuition.

What Do I Mean?

It’s not easy to step back from a Twin Flames situation. You know this because you’re in it. With all the strong emotional feelings flying round AND the strong magnetic connection to your soul mate it’s not going to be easy to settle all these emotions, feelings and thoughts down to allow you to go into clam space where your intuition lives.

It’s like trying to dive for pearls on a boat that’s at sea with a category five hurricane going off. You can imagine the turbulence and upheaval in such a storm. The rolling waves, the crashing thunder, the strikes of lighting. You get the point.

Well imagine that all going off inside of you right now because of all the signs and symbols that keep leading you back to your Twin Flame.

Good luck interpreting your own intuition in such a storm.

It’s Time to call in the cavalry!

As an expert in Twin Flame Readings I can bring you the clarity you crave.

If you wanna know if your Twin Flames coming back then it’s time you got in touch.

Just hit the button below which will take you across to the readings and bookings page. There you’ll find my online diary.

Booking your reading is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Pick the reading of your choice

  2. With my online diary, pick a day and time that suits.

  3. Viola your all done

It’s as simple as that.

Just scroll to my online diary below to get the clarity you deserve and find out when your twin flames coming back.

David William Psychic Medium x