7 Signs Of Psychic Attack

Seven Signs Of Psychic Attack David William Psychic Medium

7 Signs Your Under Psychic Attack

Hey Beautiful Soul,

Ever had that feeling someone’s throwing shade at you?

You know what I’m talking about when the hair’s on the back of your neck go up, that chill down your spine (Like someone’s poured ice down your top) AND goosebumps appear all over your arms that leave your hairs standing on end.

Then someone you know pop’s into your thoughts and your left feeling:

  • Sick

  • Nauseous (Like your on a boat)

  • Dizzy (Like the room’s spinning)

  • With a blinding headache like a migraine

And you’re left wondering why? or thinking WTF?

These are signs you’re under Psychic Attack.

Read on to find out more…

Been Googling “Am I under Psychic Attack?” then you’re in the right place.

If you can say yes to any of the following then you may be under Psychic Attack and you’ve been completely unaware of it until now.

  • You’re Exhausted, All The Time.

  • You’ve A Recurring Cold or Fever That Won’t Go Away.

  • Unusual Mood Swings, Which Isn’t Normal For You.

  • Depressed and Down Even When Life Seems Good.

These are all signs and symptoms that on an energetic level you’re under Psychic Attack.


What is a Psychic Attack?

A Psychic Attack is when an individual consciously, deliberately and intentionally sends negative energy your way with the intention of wanting to hurt or harm you psychically, emotionally, mentally and even physically.

The Encyclopaedia of World Problems describes a Psychic Attack as a Paranormal Assault.

Psychic Attacks have a vicious, jealous, envious, resentful and spiteful energy about them which means somebodies emotions have been stirred up and they’ve got a grievance against you so they’re hurling negative energy your way to cause you as much trouble as possible.

The level of Psychic Attack you’re under depends on the level of ill will being sent your way. It’s the force and intention behind the energy being sent that determines how powerful the attack’s going to be against you.

A Psychic Attack can be triggered from something as little as someone thinking a negative thought about you right through to someone holding a serious grudge against you that they’ve become so obsessed about hurting you it’s all they can think about.

Sometimes someone may not even realise they’ve sent a Psychic Attack your way. It can trigger by someone simply having a momentary flash of anger right through to someone sitting there brooding about you every second, of every minute, of every hour, every day (Obsessive).

Mostly though Psychic Attacks are sent willingly and intentionally and can hold more power when sent by those who have an understanding of the occult, the paranormal or have a spiritual or cultural understanding of curses, incantations, voodoo, black magic, witchcraft, spellworking and even necromancy.


How Are Psychic Attacks Sent?

Psychic attacks can be sent out in different forms such as:

  • Negative / Angry / Jealous Thoughts

  • Verbal Abuse

  • Gossiping

  • Controlling Others Through Emotional Manipulation

  • Black Magic / Spell Working

  • Voodoo

  • Evil Spells / Curses

  • Incantations

  • Witchcraft

  • Necromancy


Who Can Send Out A Psychic Attack?

Anyone can send a Psychic Attack to another person BUT a Psychic Attack is a very personal type of attack which means they're mostly sent by people we know or have had a connection / interaction with rather than being sent by a random stranger.

Whoever’s sending out the Psychic Attack is trying to bring negativity, pain, distress and upset into your life and their wanting to create havoc on purpose as they hold a some type of grudge against you. So be aware, be vigilant and be careful.

Remember the person sending you a Psychic Attack could potentially be mentally ill or someone who enjoys causing problems for others just for the hell of it because they can.


How Do I Know Who’s Behind My Psychic Attack?

Sometimes it can be really easy to know exactly where the source of Psychic Attack is coming from. Think about love that’s turn’t to hate, is there anyone you’ve recently broke up with? Or an ex who just can’t get over you? Has a Soul Mate turn’t to a Twin Flames and now you’re Twin Flame is giving you the “Evil Eye”?

Ask yourself: Who has reason to be jealous of you?

A sibling, a work colleague, even your BFF? Do you have a “Frenemy” You know someone pretending to be your friend but who’s really seriously jealous of you?

Ask yourself: Do you have something or someone in your life somebody else wants?

I ask this as Psychic Attack’s have an insidious, crafty, sneaky, vile, vicious and jealous energy about them. Which can be caused simply because we have something in our lives that somebody else wants and they’re willing do to anything to get it.

Finally: Is there anybody you’ve recently upset?

Again think about any recent arguments or disagreements you’d had with anyone even if it’s a minor altercation with a Psychic Attack there’s no telling why somebody’s willing to throw shade you’re way other than they think you’ve done them an injustice. Crazy I know but it’s true

Seven Signs You're Under Psychic Attack David William Psychic Medium

7 Signs You’re Under Psychic Attack

Here are 7 signs you’re under Psychic Attack:

  • Headaches.

  • Exhaustion.

  • Depression or feeling Overwhelmed.

  • Experiencing the feeling of being watched.

  • Stabbing pain in the back.

  • Feeling like you are in a fog.

  • Quick sudden bursts of nausea.

People under Psychic Attack can often experience one of the above symptoms alone but usually they’ll happen in various combination’s.

For example, you wake up feeling high vibe, looking forward to your day and then suddenly BAM! Your floored by an excruciating blinding headache followed by sheer exhaustion or a sudden burst of nausea that you can’t get rid of.

Or you get a feeling you’re being watched, you know when the hairs on the back of your neck stand up for no reason, goosebumps up your arms with a sudden stabbing pain in the back, literally like you’ve just been stabbed in the back. That’s a Psychic Attack.

Some of the other symptoms people report when they’re under Psychic Attack are:

Ongoing Negative Emotions:

I mentioned above about feelings of Depression or feeling overwhelmed all the time, no matter what you do or try you just can’t seem to shake off these ongoing negative emotions like they’re stuck to you. That’s because they are.

Negative emotions are being shot at you like bullets or like someone’s throwing psychic darts at you and they’re sticking to your energy, clinging to you like a parasite sucking your good energy dry.

An Ongoing Streak of Bad Luck:

A sudden unexpected streak of bad luck is another sign you’re under Psychic Attack. Nothing will seem to go right or more accurately everything you do will go wrong. From the flat tire on your car to losing your keys or clumsy little things like people always bumping into you causing you to spill things to really extreme back luck like a car accident or even losing your job. They’re all signs that point to someone giving you “The Evil Eye”.

Nightmares and Paranoia:

Strong Psychic Attacks can be very unnerving. Your skin starts itching because you feel you’re being watched all the time. It can even make you feel dirty because your personal space is being violated.

When a strong Psychic Attack takes place it can even affect your dreams which turn into nightmares or night terrors. You’ll have the same nightmare over and over again. This often comes in the form of being chased or attacked by someone else. In your nightmare try to look at your attackers face as it could hint at who’s sending you the Psychic Attack.

Dion Fortune in Psychic Self Defence says “One of the most distressing features of a psychic attack is that the victim fears to sleep because he feels that in sleep he is defenceless.”

You may even experience the feeling that you’re being watched whilst you’re going about your daily life. If this has happened to you then you know how unsettling this experience can be as it can leave you feeling paranoid. It’ll have you questioning your own sanity (Which is the whole point. Someone wants you to feel this way so they’re sending out these vibes that will make you unsettled, jumpy and on edge.)

You might also feel a general uneasiness in your surroundings like sudden chills. This is know to happen just as you’re walking into or out of a room near doorways, like you’ve walked through a “Cold Spot”. You may feel goosebumps and the hairs on your arms an neck going up for no reason whilst you’re set chilling and netflixing. There all signs someone is sending negative vibes your way.

Some Psychic Attacks can be so strong that people have even felt themselves being poked, touched and even like they were being pushed by someone who’s not physically there. Very freaky and very scary as now you’re getting into discarnate spirit territory. This is a very strong paranormal event and if you’re experiencing this then somebody is seriously pissed off with you and sending heavy shade your way and you need to protect yourself pronto.


How to Protect Yourself From Psychic Attacks

Now that we’ve clarified you are under Psychic Attack and that you’re not being paranoid it’s time to put protection in place.

You can either attempt to protect yourself from a Psychic Attack by adopting certain practices, rituals and ceremonies at home or you can seek professional help from a Psychic like myself.

Here are some spiritual protection techniques you can try for yourself at home. These practices will help strengthen your own psychic defence’s and surround you with a more positive, high vibe energy.

Cord Cutting and Earth Cording:

I find Gaia’s Cord Cutting & Earth Cording Ritual to be very powerful.

Try the powerful practice of cord-cutting at night and Earth cording during the day. Before you go to bed, imagine a cord between yourself and any person or thing that comes to mind, the cord originating from your belly. Using a pair of imaginary scissors, cut the cord between yourself and any external energy that you envision.

You can envision this as a series of cords or perform the exercise cord-by-cord. In the morning, just after you awake, envision a cord connecting you, from your belly to the center of the Earth. The cord is strong, flexible, omnipresent, and nurturing. Prior to bed, as you cut cords, say this intention aloud:

I release energetic attachments so that I may serve my higher purpose.

Saltwater can also be used for a more powerful ceremony. Begin by gathering all the energetic chords from your chakras into one handful. Using the other hand, slice the air between your body and the handful, and dump the chords into the saltwater. Repeat again with the chords coming out of your back chakras.

Close Your Vulnerabilities: Mental and Psychic Shielding

A little bit like the cord cutting exercise above Rei advises to close your vunerabilities.

Theory: The mind is the key aspect of defense. A strong, active mind is much harder to attack. Some imagery also helps repel attack, like armor; other imagery helps in other ways.

Light Imagery Technique

Imagine a distant source of white light, the Source, far above your head, and imagine a connection of caring and love extending from that light to you. Do not confuse this with any other "source of light" that others have encouraged you to imagine in their books, which usually float just above your head. There is one true source of light; it is the highest, and brightest, and most benevolent of spiritual lights. If you cannot do this technique, or if you find that any thoughts you try to send toward the Light are either turned aside or slam into a hard ceiling, pray for caring to be extended to you from the Light, and pray for removal of the block or the interference that is keeping you from connecting to the Light.

Crystal Grid For Self Protection

Crystals have been used in sacred energy cleansing ceremonies for thousands of years by many ancient cultures and civilisations so having your own crystal grid of self protection is highly recommended and is a powerful way of stopping Psychic Attacks from taking place.

Crystal grids are a really powerful way of cleansing and protecting your energy and they can be used in a variety of different ways. For example you can have crystal grids for self protection and love or self protection and abundance.

I’d recommend a book like Crystal Grids Power by Ethan Lazzerini

Gemstones For Self Protection

Wearing semi precious and precious gem stones is a very effect and powerful way of removing and deflecting negative energy and for strengthening your personal energy field or aura.

Stones such as Tigers Eye, Hematite, Selenite, Black Onxy and Black Obsidian all have healing protection qualities to them.

Cleansing / Clearing Ceremony

Just like crystals plants like sage and palo santo have been used as energy cleansing tools for thousands of years. Native American Indians have used herbs like osho root, sage, sweetgrass and cedar in their sweat lodges to help remove negative energy for centuries.

There are many various ceremonies that can be used when cleansing the negative energy in your aura and in your home and even work environment. It’s just a case of picking a herb or plant that you personally like.

For Palo Santo / White Sage / Sage / Sweetgrass:

Burn your herb and smudge the smoke around your body. Pass the smoke from head to toe imagining all negative energy leaving your personal space. Doe this as many times as is necessary until you feel cleansed and clear of any negativity. Then continue to fan the smoke around the room your in and even around the rest of your home. Remember when cleansing rooms to get right into the corners. I like to walk around a room in a clockwise direction moving through all the corners before making my way into the middle of the room where I’ll continue to fan smoke back out from the centre back towards each corner again in a clockwise order.

While you sage / smudge / palo santo yourself and your environment, concentrate on the banishing or removal of negative or dark energy by holding light and love in your mind’s eye.

This is a powerful cleansing ceremony for removing nightmares and night terrors.

Spiritual Protection From Psychic Attack MP3

If you’ve an Amazon Prime Account or Amazon Audible you can get a 30 day free trial on the Spiritual Protection From Psychic Attack MP3 by Dick Stephen.


Whilst it may be nearly impossible to eliminate a Psychic Attack from happening by being conscious of the signs and symptoms listed above then being forewarned means you’re forearmed, ready and prepared to protect yourself for the unwanted negative energy being sent your way.

If you’re overwhelmed or not confident in fighting off a Psychic Attack or even want to clarify you’re Psychic defences are in place correctly then you may want to seek professional help from a Psychic Medium like teen scroll down to my online diary below and I’ll look forward to connecting with you soon

David William Psychic Medium x